Discover Content on Uhive

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Uhive is all about exploring and discovering content from various interests. The following options are available for you to explore the Uhive world.


The Explore screen is your gateway to discovering the most popular posts from across Uhive. Here, you can engage with these posts and their creators and also discover and follow new and interesting spaces.

As you scroll through the posts on the Explore screen, you’ll come across helpful cards highlighting the Top Spaces and Top NFTs, enhancing your overall experience and enjoyment.


The Following screen is where posts from the spaces you are following will be shown, allowing you to engage with these posts and their creators.


By tapping the Interests header, you’ll access a list of all the interests on Uhive, giving you the option to choose the one that aligns with your preferences. Once you have selected your interest, you will be presented with a feed of popular posts within that category. This enables you to interact with these posts and their creators while also exploring and following new and captivating spaces.

Uhive Oasis (Space Exploration)

This is the future of Uhive! Here you can see how Uhive evolves every day. Each space has a virtual location. Go ahead and explore the Uhive universe! (Learn more)

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