I Have Been Invited to Join Uhive, How Should I Proceed?

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Invitation Rules

  • Invitations are only for new and genuine users.
  • One reward per genuine device.
  • Disposable and temporary emails not allowed.
  • Simulators/emulators are not allowed.
  • Users must verify their emails and use the app.
  • Not following the rules may cause the the referral tokens not to be received, or to be available for withdrawal.
  • Tokens withdrawal may take up to 15 days for verifications purposes.
  • In case of misuse user account may get suspended.

Method 1: Via Invite Code 💬

1. Download Uhive on your mobile device.

2. Tap the Get Started button to create your Uhive account.

3. Under the Register screen where you can select the method to create your Uhive account, tap the I have an invitation code button.

4. Enter the code which you have received from a friend and tap the Redeem button.

5. Complete the registration steps to create your account – and don’t forget to VERIFY your email if you signed up using your email address to receive your tokens.

Method 2: Via Invite Link 🔗

1. Click on the invitation link that you have received.

2. The code will be automatically filled for you.

3. Complete the registration steps to create your account – and don’t forget to VERIFY your email if you signed up using your email address to receive your tokens.

If You Didn’t Receive the Invitation Tokens?

Under some (rare) circumstances the invitation may fail and both users inviting and being invited may not receive their tokens. Please check the cases below if this appears to have happened to you:

Non-Verified Sign-Up Email

The user being invited has not confirmed their Uhive login email address yet. Make sure you/they have received the confirmation email after signing up and have used the link in the email to confirm the email address.

Issues with a Device

The user being invited failed to authenticate their device 📱. This happens when the device is rooted for example, or when an emulator is used. Try to avoid this.

Invite is Pending

The invitation is still pending ⏰. The user being invited has not used the Uhive invitation code yet or entered it incorrectly.

Creating Fake Accounts

The user inviting or the user being invited used the same device/smartphone to create multiple Uhive accounts. Since this is not allowed, both users will not receive the invitation tokens. This is to restrict the number of fake Uhive accounts 😒.

Track Invitation 

Track your invitations and check the status of each; Failed, Pending, Claimed.

The more people you invite, the MORE TOKENS you’ll EARN! 🤑

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