Creating an Account

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To create a Uhive account:

1. Download Uhive from Google Play or App Store.

2. Open the Uhive app.

3. Tap the Get Started button.

4. In the What is Uhive? screen, tap the Start option.

5. Choose a method to sign up (Email, Google or Apple) and proceed with providing the needed information.

Optional! If you have an invitation code from a friend who already joined Uhive, tap the I have an invitation code option → Enter the code → Tap the Redeem button. You both will be rewarded! (Learn more)
If you choose to register using Email, make sure to provide a valid email, as it will be later needed for log-in and password recovery.
If you choose to register using Email, the password should contain six (6) characters or more. It is recommended that you set a strong password with a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters, and not share it with anyone else.

6. Now, select what interests you. Uhive offers you 26 interests to select from. Once you are done, tap the Next button.

You can select multiple interests, and of course, you will be able to edit your interest selections later.

7. A list of suggested spaces will be shown. Follow at least one space and tap the Next option.

Your Uhive account is ready. Go and be creative!

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You are one step closer!

Apple does not authorize Early Access Apps, however you can still reserve your space and be one of the first by simply filling out the form below.


[Apply for iOS Access]

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