Does Uhive have a Reporting System?

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Uhive has a reporting system that allows users to report spaces and posts. Once something gets reported, we review it and exclude anything that does not follow our community standards. We believe this process is best for our Uhive system.

Uhive also provides an A.I. smart engine that automatically detects suspicious behavior that doesn’t follow our community standards and reports them back.

How to Report a Space

This applies to the Civilized and Free World.

1. Go to the space that you want to report.

2. Tap the Actions icon at the upper-right corner of the space → Tap the Report option.

3. Write down the reason why you are reporting this space.

How to Report a Post

This applies to the Civilized and Free World.

1. Tap the Actions icon at the upper-right corner of the post → Tap the Report option.

2. Write down the reason why you are reporting this post.

How to Report a Comment

This applies to the Civilized and Free World.

1. Long-press on the comment you want to report → Tap the Report comment option.

2. Specify what is the issue with the comment that made you reporting it.

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