I received the error message “Email address is invalid” when I tried to sign in, what does that mean?

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  • I received the error message “Email address is invalid” when I tried to sign in, what does that mean?

This error message means that you’ve created your account using an invalid email address.

Please sign up for a new Uhive account using a valid email address. This time, make sure that your email will be valid by following the rules below:

1. Don’t use a disposable email domain such as:

  • sam.w@0815.ru
  • sam.w@0wnd.net
  • same.w@10minutemail.co.za
  • sam.w@1fsdfdsfsdf.tk

2. Use correct email format. Don’t use the plus (+) sign. For example, sam.walker@example.com is preferred over sam.walker+testing@example.com.

3. You can use your email address using any of the free email providers such as Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail or any ISP email, etc.. Or any business email account!

If you’re still unable to sign up for an account after following all the information provided, please contact us and you will be assisted immediately.

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