What are Inactive Tokens?

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What are inactive tokens?

Inactive tokens are tokens acquired through previous airdrops or distributed for free on the Uhive platform. These tokens are not withdrawable to external wallets and can’t be used to purchase NFTs on the Uhive Marketplace.

Artists on Uhive’s NFT Marketplace should be rewarded as soon as their NFT sells, but by allowing transactions with inactive tokens, they would not be able to withdraw the tokens generated via their sale. So, we decided to keep the experience fair and transparent for everyone by only allowing bought tokens to be eligible for use on the Marketplace.

When can I use my inactive tokens?

Inactive tokens will be activated for all the users in waves based on their Uhive space stats and number of active referrals.

Why are inactive tokens locked?

Locking inactive tokens aims to maintain the Uhive token’s price and encourage stability upon its exchange debut.

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