What is Magna Carta Protocol?

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What is the Magna Carta Protocol?

As the future becomes more decentralized, there is an increasing focus on the type of content being published. According to a Pew Research Center study; over 70% of Americans believe social media companies intentionally censor content through their moderation bots and the teams themselves.

In response, Uhive launched the ‘Magna Carta Protocol’ moderation standard, which gives control over to the user. The name derives from the charter written in 1215, which shifted the balance of power from the government to the people.

Taking a cue from Wikipedia, Uhive is giving all users the opportunity to become a content moderator, while at the same time giving everyone the freedom to express themselves.

Who should become a moderator?

If you’re passionate about freedom and equality, maintain a balanced opinion, and care enough to dedicate a small portion of your time per week to moderating content on Uhive, then you’re in the right place. We’ve streamlined the application process, and kept the moderator tools as simple as possible – a basic understanding of app functionality is all you need.

How does it work?

Step 1. You can apply to become a content moderator by tapping on the three dots at the top-right of any post, and then tap on Become a content moderator.

Step 2. The app will open a new window and web page that will explain a little more about the process. Read or scroll over the text to the bottom of the page and tap on Apply Here.

Step 3. When the Google form opens, sign in, and fill out all the respective fields, then tap Submit.

We’ll review your application, and those selected will hear from us via email. You’ll enter a short training program and the onboarding process will begin, which means you’ll be moderating content within 24 hours!

Who benefits from decentralized moderation?


Users on Uhive will be able to see if a piece of content has been moderated, and the result (such as a request for more references, or a need for fact-checking), while the content itself will be affected by a collective moderators’ score. This score is generated by a complex algorithm that weighs every moderator’s actions on a post, and the resulting score affects things like a post’s visibility, reach and authority.

Through decentralized moderation, users are able to explore their favorite content, meet individuals with the same beliefs and interact without the fear of being de-platformed or silenced.

Those with controversial views have the space to debate their viewpoints, and marginalized groups can have a voice too, rather than being banned and forced underground, where hatred and intolerance festers and grows unchecked.

How to moderate posts

Moderators can moderate any post on Uhive by simply tapping the Actions icon at the upper-right corner of the post and then tapping the Report or moderate option. This will open a moderation-special page with a list of questions about the post. By answering those questions and hitting the Submit button once done, you will be part of the moderation process on the post.

As a moderator, you need to explore the Uhive app, looking for different types of new posts from all the interests. You can explore the Oasis, the Discover, and the Home pages of Uhive to find new posts. You also can Search by hashtags to find new content.

In addition to the above, you have access to a special page on the Uhive app where you can find posts that are under community moderation by other moderators and help finalize the moderation process on them. Simply, tap the Menu icon at the upper-left corner of the Uhive app and tap the Magna Carta (Public Moderation) option. Start moderating the posts under the Posts section.

Based on the moderator’s answers, actions will be taken on each post.

How to moderate spaces

Moderators can moderate any space on Uhive by simply tapping the Actions icon at the upper-right corner of the space and then tapping the Report or moderate this space option. This will open a moderation-special page with a list of questions about the space. By answering those questions and hitting the Submit button once done, you will be part of the moderation process on the post.

In addition to the above, you have access to a special page on the Uhive app where you can find spaces that are under community moderation by other moderators and help finalize the moderation process on them. Simply, tap the Menu icon at the upper-left corner of the Uhive app and tap the Magna Carta (Public Moderation) option. Start moderating the posts under the Spaces section.

Based on the moderator’s answers, actions will be taken on each post.

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