Originals and Tokenization: The Game-Changer in Uhive Social Network

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In the spirit of rewarding user engagement, Uhive has introduced a unique tokenization system that converts user engagement into valuable tokens.

From Actions to Rewards

In Uhive’s unique system, users can earn tokens based on their engagement and interaction within the network. Below we explain how this can be achieved.


  • Invitations: Inviting other users to the network contributes significantly to a user’s token earnings in Uhive. By inviting others, users can accumulate tokens and reap rewards from broadening the user base of Uhive. Learn more about invitations, here.


  • Time Spent on the App: The time a user spends on the app plays a pivotal role in earning tokens. Each moment of engagement and activity on the app contributes to the user’s token earnings in Uhive.

The more you engage and invite, the more tokens you earn!


  • Original posts: Uhive rewards users who choose to post using the “Originals” feature with a higher token rate. Create your original post by following the below steps:

    1. Open the Uhive app.
    2. Go to the posting option and select Originals.
    3. Create your post by adding your content and any desired media.

A fee of 100 Uhive Tokens applies.

  • Popular posts: Normal posts that gain significant traction or go viral within the Uhive network have the potential to earn users a substantial amount of tokens.


In another innovative move, Uhive offers a cashback feature where users earn tokens when purchasing spaces, space names, buying Uhive Tokens with ETH, BTC or even buying awards. Users receive a 2% return in tokens from their purchases.

Network Growth

All tokens earned by a user are multiplied by the network growth percentage. This multiplier determines the final number of tokens the user will receive, directly linking their earnings to the overall success and growth of the network. By inviting more users to join the network, the overall user base expands, benefiting everyone involved.

The more users that join, the greater the opportunities and rewards for all participants.

Token Processing and Delivery

  • Monthly token tally: At the end of each month, the system compiles and tallies all the tokens earned by users. These tokens are then put into a “processing” state, preparing them for transfer to the user’s wallet.


  • Verification and removal of invalid earnings: To ensure the validity of earnings, the system conducts an audit and verification process. Any invalid earnings, such as those generated from fake accounts or illegal tokens, will be removed from the final tally.


  • Processing timeline: Typically, the revenue processing takes place after the 20th of each month. During this time, the system verifies and finalizes the earnings before transferring them to the user’s wallet.

Account Integrity

To maintain a healthy and respectful network environment, Uhive enforces certain regulations. Accounts, spaces, or posts that are suspended or reported will not be rewarded. This ensures that all tokens earned come from genuine engagement and compliant behavior within the network.

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