What Documents are Required to Submit KYC?

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Know Your Customer (KYC) is a term used by businesses and refers to the process of verifying the identity of users.

What are the documents that I can submit?

Below  is a list of all the documents that can be submitted as proof of identity:

  • Passport
  • Driving Licence
  • Identity Card
  • Residence Permit
  • Utility Bill

You are required to submit any of these documents as proof of identity. However, we highly recommend using your passport.

Where can I submit my KYC documents?

  1. Sign in to your Uhive online account from here.
  2. Once you are signed in, refer to the Profile section.
  3. Under the Know Your Customer (KYC) section, fill in the required fields and upload your verification documents.
  4. Click the Submit button.


Please make sure you follow these guidelines while uploading your document:

1. Use government-issued forms of ID  i.e driver’s license, passport, or ID card.

2. Take a high resolution, full-color picture or scan of the front and back of ID.

3. Front and Back of  ID should be uploaded as two documents. One image for the front side and a second image for the backside.

4. Do not use Photoshop or any other image editing software; do not alter the document in any way.

5. Accepted file types, are JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, or JPEG.

6. When using a mobile device/camera:

  • Take the photo from directly above the document while it is on a flat surface.
  • Do not use flash.
  • Do not obstruct the ID (no fingers covering part of the document).
  • Use a background of contrasting color to the document.
  • The image should include all 4 corners of the document.
  • Passports and IDs should be taken in landscape orientation and selfies should be in portrait orientation.
  • The image should not be blurry, we need to be able to read the text on each document.

7. When using a scanner, DPI settings should be 200 DPI or higher.

8. The size of the file should be between 400KB and 4MB.

9. The width of the image should be greater than or equal to 450px.

10. The height of the image should be greater than or equal to 600px.

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