Why Should I Own Uhive NFT?

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Uhive social network has its own digital token to reward its user base and generate revenue and has already launched the world’s first social media profile-to-NFT feature. This basically grants its users the right to mint their profile or content into an NFT token and either store it in their digital wallets (own it) or sell it on Uhive’s Marketplace.

The implications of minting your social media into an NFT are huge and demonstrates a true creator-first approach much more so than any other attempt at this by existing social media, especially legacy social networks. Uhive has incredibly elevated the playing field to provide their users complete ownership of their profiles by allowing them to mint their space into an NFT. Everything on the platform is completely tradeable and users can buy and sell each other’s spaces, meaning that all their hard work is rewarded with crypto tokens.

Uhive mints its spaces into NFT’s which can purchased utilising Uhive’s own cryptocurrency – HVE2. In addition, patrons and consumers can purchase Uhive’s cryptocurrency on LATOKEN using Tether or Ethereum. Uhive spaces can naturally increase or decrease relying on many aspects such the position of it in relations to the Oasis and the rate of engagement a space can gather. Moreover, the number of followers matter as well as the quality plus worth of the followers considering the social scale. It’s likened to owning properties and assets within the social network which makes the future exciting for Uhive.

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