Account Settings and Privacy

You are here:

Uhive allows you to edit your settings through the app at any time. All you need to do is to open the Uhive app → Tap the Menu icon at the upper-left corner → Tap Settings & Privacy. Below is a list of the settings you will find there.

Account Information

  • Name: Tap on it to change the name that is shown on your profile.
  • Email: Tap on it to add/edit the login email address of your account.
  • Change Password: Tap on it if you wish to change your Uhive login password.
  • Birthday: Tap on it to add/edit your birthday.
  • Country: Tap on it to change your country.
  • Mobile Number: Tap on it to add/edit your Uhive login phone number.

Account Privacy

Within this section, you have the option to customize the Privacy settings for your Uhive account. (Learn more)

Advanced Settings

  • Edit Interests: Here you can change your interests to get more relevant content and suggestions from Uhive.
  • Languages: Change the language of the Uhive app, selecting from the available ones.
  • Video autoplay: Tap on it to select how to auto-play videos while browsing Uhive.

Experimental Features

In this section, you can toggle the Latest Content feature of Uhive on or off. This feature enables you to view posts as they are freshly published, before undergoing any filtering by artificial intelligence systems or content moderators.


  • Send Logs: Tapping this option allows you to email the Uhive debugging logs to the Uhive Technical Support team upon request. (Learn more)
  • Sign out: Tapping this option signs you out of your Uhive account. (Learn more)

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