How can I Tip Users with Tokens?

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In Uhive you will get the chance to tip users for their awesome posts and content, sending a sign of appreciation by giving the OP some tokens for their effort.

Uhive introduced “Tipping” as a part of the awards system, you can send tokens to the post owner, at which point these tokens will be added to their wallets.

The purpose behind introducing this feature is to support and inspire all users to post (and keep posting), high-quality, relevant, and popular content.

How does it work?

Under one of your favorite posts, refer to the awards icon , then choose the TIPS tab. Here you can select the amount you’d like to send as a tip.

Awarded tips will appear below the post that received them, and the tokens will be added instantly to the user’s wallet.

While the owner of the post is being credited with tokens, the tip will help the original post and the space it belongs to, become more prominent and discoverable.

The more awards and tips the post gets, the more it will appear at the top of search results and feeds.

How can I increase and encourage users to tip me?

Read more about the awards system and other types of awards, here.

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