Why Your Uhive Social Scale Matters

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Your ‘social scale’ score on Uhive is a numerical value that represents where a user places on a spectrum that measures the success of your space/s, with the highest value (and most successful) being 999. Social scales, much like your credit score (in real life) can fluctuate, going up and down, according to several variables:

Some of the elements that can affect your social scale:

  • The time you spend on the Uhive app
  • The number of followers you have
  • The quality of the followers (their social scale scores)
  • The quality of your content (how often or not your content is flagged or reported)
  • Your level of engagement with others posts
  • The level of engagement generated by other users on your content
  • Location of your space/s in the metaverse
  • Digital assets you own can increase your social scale (subject to different rules)
  • ‘Super power’ supported NFTs you own
  • Verification Page
  • Plus other factors….

Uhive’s moderation standard is built on community moderation which we call the Magna Carta Protocol (Learn more here). To fight abuse and bullying for example, not all reporting will affect your social scale. For reporting to affect your social scale, multiple public moderators should confer with the reporting, to limit the opportunity for users to create fake reporting.

As the user base grows, these factors that affect your social scale become increasingly potent. Additionally, your social scale will contribute to enhancing your user experience. The higher your social scale, the more features you can access and the less restrictions you will have while exploring Uhive’s social universe.

Worth noting is that your social scale on the Civilized World and Free World are two entirely different scores and are calculated using two different algorithms. You can be a social superstar in one world and quietly exist in the other. The choice is yours.

Also please note, Uhive’s Social scale is still under development, and as with Uhive in general it’s still in its early stages. With only your feedback and support we can make Uhive a better place for everyone!

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